Eating Raw While In College (And After!)

Eating Raw While In College (And After!)

Friday, March 30, 2012

101 uses of COCONUT OIL!!

Coconut Oil Is: 
  • Anti-bacterial (kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum diseases, and other bacterial infections)
  • Anti-carcinogenic (coconut oil has antimicrobial properties so it effectively prevents the spread of cancer cells and enhances the immune system)
  • Anti-fungal (kills fungi and yeast that lead to infection)
  • Anti-inflammatory (appears to have a direct effect in suppressing inflammation and repairing tissue, and it may also contribute by inhibiting harmful intestinal microorganisms that cause chronic inflammation.)
  • Anti-microbial/Infection Fighting (the medium-chain fatty acids and monoglycerides found in coconut oil are the same as those in human mother's milk, and they have extraordinary antimicrobial properties. By disrupting the lipid structures of microbes, they inactivate them. About half of coconut oil consists of lauric acid. Lauric acid, its metabolite monolaurin and other fatty acids in coconut oil are known to protect against infection from bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi and parasites. While not having any negative effect on beneficial gut bacteria, coconut oil inactivates undesirable microbes.)
  • An Antioxidant (protects against free-radical formation and damage)
  • Anti-parasitic (fights to rid the body of tapeworms, lice and other parasites)
  • Anti-protozoa (kills giardia, a common protozoan infection of the gut)
  • Anti-retroviral (kills HIV and HLTV-1)
  • Anti-viral (kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other viruses)
  • Infection fighting
  • Has no harmful for discomforting side effects
  • Known to improve nutrient absorption (easily digestible; makes vitamins and minerals more available to the body)
  • Nontoxic to humans and animals

Daily Dosage:
Here is a chart outlining the recommended daily dosage of virgin coconut oil for persons over the age of 12. Coconut oil may be consumed by children under 12 but it is advisable to check with a healthcare practitioner on the proper dosage. Any good naturopath will have the information at the ready. (Starting at 12 months of age, I gave my daughter one teaspoon per day and she weighed about 16 pounds at that time.)
Weight in pounds/kilograms
Number of tablespoons of coconut oil daily
150+ /68+
3 1/2
125+ / 57+
100+/ 45+
2 1/2
75+ / 34+
50+ / 23+
1 1/2
25+ / 11+

Type of Coconut Oil to Use:
  • Virgin (unrefined) coconut oil tastes and smells coconutty and is great for cooking and baking where you want that flavor. You can use it for anything but it will impart a coconut taste (mild) and odor (pleasant in my book)! Unrefined coconut oil retains the most nutritional value and is superior to refined oil.
  • Expeller pressed (refined) coconut oil can be used for anything. It does not have a coconutty smell or taste. It is still outstanding to use but does lose some of it’s health properties during the refining process.
  • Food grade should always be used.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

8 Tips for Naturally Healthy Hair, skin, and overall wellbeing

1. Drink Water

You are not just what you eat; you are what you drink. The human body needs water to complete all of it’s functions, including growing healthy hair. If you do not drink enough water, then your urine becomes over-concentrated with waste, which is why it is a darker yellow urine color. You may also notice a stronger odor since the concentration is higher. Drink enough water so that your urine is clear. If you are drinking enough water, but you still have a dark yellow urine color, then it may be food based. Beets (a detox food) cause a dark yellow urine color. Asparagus also turns urine into a dark yellow and creates a strong odor. Some multi-vitamins are also known to cause dark yellow or neon yellow urine.

2. Make Time for Beauty Sleep

Sleep makes you feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles. Adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and can benefit your heart, weight, mind and hair. 
Important hormone production is regulated during sleep; in children, human growth hormone (HGH) is released during deep sleep. Insufficient sleep can affect hormonal balance in adults as well. Tissue repair also occurs during sleep. Getting enough deep sleep will help your hair repair itself.

3. Breathe Deeply

Take deep breaths from your abdomen, similar to how babies naturally breathe. Breathing detoxifies and releases toxins. Your body is designed to release 70% of toxins through breathing. If you are not breathing effectively, you are not properly ridding your body of its toxins i.e. other systems in your body must work overtime which could eventually lead to illness. Your hair needs oxygen!

4. Eat Clean

There is no hair goal which you can achieve without first cleaning up your diet. Changing your diet is one of the biggest challenges when faced with improving ones health. A diet full of processed foods and dairy have been known to cause dandruff, psoriasis, alopecia and dozens of other scalp diseases. In a nutshell, eating clean is the practice of eating whole, natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. It also means staying away from the junk that typically makes up the Standard American Diet (S.A.D). Strong & healthy hair can only be a product of a healthy body.

5. Drink Your Greens

Drinking green juice fills your body with living enzymes, vitamins, oxygen, and phytonutrients. Because of this, green juice feeds your cells the necessary nutrients, allowing your cells to uncover the body’s innate healing power, thereby boosting your body’s ability to nourish your hair. Since your body doesn’t have to break down the vegetables in order to absorb the nutrition, it allows the body to focus on repair, healing, detoxification, and renewal. And as long as you use organic produce, the nutrition you introduce to your body via green juice has very few, if any, of the chemicals and toxins we usually put into our bodies.

6. Moisturize

Hair that is full of moisture has less breakage, can be easily styled and is softer. Coconut oil can be used as a hair moisturizer that reduces protein loss.
Coconut Oil helps in healthy growth of hair providing it with a shiny complexion. A regular massage of the head with coconut oil ensures that your scalp is free of dandruff, lice, and lice eggs, even if your scalp is dry.
Vitamin-E: Almost every aptly educated person knows the importance of vitamin-E for skin and hair. It keeps scalp and skin healthy and hair rejuvenated.
Moisture Retaining Capacity: Coconut Oil has high moisture retaining capacity, since it is not broken down easily nor evaporated, being very stable. It does not let moisture escape thus keeping hair moistened and soft. This prevents breakage of hair.
Anti-Dandruff: The various fatty acids present in Coconut Oil serve as very good anti dandruff agents and are way better than any anti dandruff shampoo.
More about Coconut Oil: Benefits of Coconut Oil

7. Use Natural Shampoos and Conditioners

Organic shampoo and conditioner can help to revive your hair and scalp from years of harsh treatment caused by the use of traditional store-bought products. Of course, these traditional products are the easiest ones to buy, and they are cheaper, but when it comes to what is good for you and your health, do you really want to settle for the cheapest, most convenient thing?
When shopping for organic shampoo and conditioner products, you should be careful to read the labels of products before buying them. The following list contains ingredients that dry out your scalp, irritate oil glands, and/or corrode hair follicles:
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfates
  • Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate
  • Derivatives of Lauryl Alcohol
  • Mureth Sulfate
  • Propylene Glycol (Antifreeze)
  • Olefin Sulfonate (Deodorized Kerosene)

8. Do Whats Right for your Hair Type

Go with the Flow
Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Find the hairstyle that works best for your look. Sometimes we may become frustrated or discouraged when we try to emulate a hairstyle that may have looked great on someone else, but just doesn’t work on us. Be honest with yourself when choosing your hairstyle. Be bold, be confident and be sexy… but most of all, be you!

Grow your own celery from your celery remains. Just chop off the base and plant. One week of growth shown in photo.

"Most meat eaters may be unaware that more than 70% of all beef and chicken in the United States, Canada and other countries is being treated with poisonous carbon monoxide gas. It can make seriously decayed meat look fresh for weeks. The meat industry continues to allow this toxic gas injection into many of the meat products people consume on a daily basis. The question is, how many people have become ill by this chemically altered meat that is being sold to families all over the world?"
...... Read on at:

It is ironic that many coffee drinkers on the Standard American Diet (SAD) criticize the raw diet because they believe they would not receive enough protein every day, while their daily intake of coffee blocks the absorption of the very protein they claim they need. This is because pepsin, an enzyme that digests protein, is inhibited when caffeine is consumed from any source.
Find out more facts like these at:

Monday, March 19, 2012

RAW chocolate chip cookies!

Chocolate Chip Cookies
What American child didn’t grow up on chocolate chip cookies? These cookies taste surprisingly like Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip cookies but have absolutely no white sugar, preservatives, additives, fillers, or artificial flavors. They are packed full with superfood goodness and extra nutrition. You can feel amazing about giving these to your children!
1 1/2 cups cashews
1/4 cup coconut palm sugar
2 Tbsp melted cacao butter
2 Tbsp lucuma powder
1/2 tsp vanilla powder
1/2 tsp Himalayan salt
1/4 cup cacao nibs
Grind the cashews to make “flour” in a high speed blender or a coffee grinder. In a food processor, add cashew flour plus the remaining ingredients, except for the nibs, and process into a smooth dough. Transfer mixture to a bowl and fold in nibs by hand. Drop spoonfuls onto a Paraflexx sheet and press with a fork to flatten into desired shape.
Dehydrate at 120F for about 6 hours, then transfer from Paraflexx sheet onto regular mesh dehydrator sheet. Continue dehydrating until chewy on inside and crisper on outside. We like to enjoy ours with almond milk, warm out of the dehydrator.
Recipe by Chef Jenn Shultz

Cure for Cancer? :) Absolutely

Cure for cancer?
Absolutely. :)
Over 80 years ago, in 1931, Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel prize for his discovery that cancer is caused by weakened cell respiration due to lack of oxygen at the cellular level.
Damaged cell respiration causes fermentation (otherwise known as death, or the deterioration of something that was once living). Fermentation results in acidity/the promotion of an acidic environment; therefore in order to counteract and even completely reverse cancer, we must ALKALIZE our bodies.
That's it. Piece of cake. No cutting or splicing of the human body, no chemo, no terror, no hair loss., no funerals... nada. All it involves is proper care and maintenance of our bodies.
So how do we alkalize?
By oxygenating! :)
This can be done via yoga/deep breathing/meditation, exercising, eating foods that are alkalizing or oxygenating (both words are pretty much synonymous). Even thinking happy, positive thoughts has been shown to alleviate stress, and thereby reduce the amount of cellular fermentation.

Some cool facts:
--We gain weight and because what we eat is TOXIC--or has a high levels of acid. This explains why so many people diet but do not lose weight. The body creates fat cells to store acid and other toxins. For instance, almonds have 79% fat, whereas pork only has 58%. The difference between the two is that pork, as with all meats, is literally dead. When anything is in a state of death or decay it holds an acidifying effect on its environment as it breaks down. Pork in particular is at -38 on the pH scale, whereas almonds are at +3.42.
--Acidifying factors include hearing, thinking, or saying harsh/bitter/angry words; being in a traffic jam; feeling jealous or vengeful; over working; over-exercising; eating acidifying foods; inhaling, or being exposed to acidifying chemicals; and using electronics for too long (tvs, radios, computers, phones etc). This basically includes anything that reduces the amount of oxygen being delivered to the body (especially being in a stressful or fearful situation--wherein humans subconsciously begin to breath shallowly).
--Alkalizing factors include drinking fresh, pure water; breathing deeply; smiling or laughing; eating dark, leafy greens; eating citrus fruits; being in nature, singing or listening to/playing music, and thinking positive thoughts.