Eating Raw While In College (And After!)

Eating Raw While In College (And After!)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Strawberry Cheesecake

Raw Strawberry Cheesecake:
1 cup pecans
1 cup almonds
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 medjool dates, pitted and chopped

3 cups raw cashew pieces, soaked overnight (or at least 3 hours)
1/2 cup agave syrup
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (alcohol free is preferred for raw desserts)
32 oz strawberries (reserve 9 for decorating), hulled and halved – about 4 cups
3/4 cup coconut oil, melted.

For the crust (not pictured above) Blend all the ingredients for the crust in a food processor. Scrape out with a scraper/spatula into a pie tin. I didn't have a pie tin, so I improvised by putting parchment paper in a pan and pressing the crust into the bottom of it.

Then blend together the cheesecake filling until smooth. Pour the filling into the pie tin, on top of the crust. Put in freezer for 20 min. 

Blend all the ingredients for the strawberry filling in a food processor or blender. (The blender makes for a smoother end-product). After 20 min, pull the pie tin out and pour the strawberry sauce on top.

Freeze for about 2 hrs,

then enjoy with great gusto!

Caramel, Chocolate-covered Frozen Bananas

Caramel!! (Yes it is raw, and absolutely HEAVENLY!) 
Recipe for raw caramel: 
1 cup raw SOAKED almonds (if you don't have almonds, you many use cashews)
1 cup of soaked medjool dates, pitted (about 8 to 10 dates)
1/4 cup grade B maple syrup
2 teaspoons vanilla
pinch sea salt
date soaking water as needed*
BLEND until smooth.

 Chocolate sauce!

 In a 1/3 cup mix equal parts of coconut oil (melted), raw cacao (powdered), and agave (or maple syrup) with a standard kitchen spoon. *

*Directions: BLEND everything in a food processor/blender and promptly enjoy with gusto (:
NOTE: this keeps for 1 week in the fridge (in the unlikely case that it doesn't get eaten before that)

Choco Cookie Dough (RAW)

Full recipe:
Raw-Vegan Cookie Dough!
2/3 c raw cashews that have been soaked overnight and then rinsed (this changes them from acidic to alkaline by instigating the sprouting process and releasing the acidic enzyme inhibitors).
1/3 c oats
2 Tbsp Agave
1 Tbsp Maple Syrup or 3 soaked dates (with date water)
1 Tsp Vanilla Extract
1/4 C Raw Cacao Nibs
Blend all ingredients in a food processor, adding the Cacao Nibs last.
Enjoy immediately. (:

How synthetic sugar afffects the brain

Photo: "Synapse [is] critical to tasks like memory and learning—the very functions that high-fructose corn syrup damages." The average American eats upwards of 40 POUNDS of high-fructose corn syrup per year!*
 In case you haven't heard about this highly debated sweetener, let me elaborate for you: (High) Fructose Corn Syrup is a man-made sweetener synthetically derived from the glucose (sugar) in genetically modified corn. It is not a natural process to obtain this ingredient: 1) first, genetically modified corn is grown and processed in order to 2) extract the starch which is then 3) broken down into glucose (sugar), which is then  4) chemically treated and transformed into fructose, a highly sweet version of the sugar which normally only occurs in fruits. Though the FDA approves of it and the government promotes and subsidizes it, it has been correlated to the promotion of obesity, diabetes, high insulin levels, metabolic inefficiency, heart attack, weight gain, dental cavities, anemia, fatigue, poor immunity, an increase in LDL (bad) Cholesterol and Triglycerides levels . . . . the list goes on. Recently discovered, corn syrup also holds negative and degenerative effects upon the brain, particularly in the fields of memory retention, ineffective synapse, destruction of the mylon sheath etc. 

In one study on how high-fructose corn syrup affects brain function, researchers studied two groups of rats: One group downed high-fructose corn syrup in water for six weeks; another dined on high-fructose corn syrup but also received doses of brain-protecting omega-3 fatty acids.
Before their high-fructose corn syrup diet began, the rats were all trained to navigate a maze. After eating the sweetener for six weeks, researchers put the rats to the maze test again. The animals that didn't receive the omega-3 brain protection were slower and experienced problems with brain signaling, which disrupts critical skills like memory and thinking. Researchers also witnessed signs of insulin resistance in the group without omega-3s; this could hamper normal energy processing, which could impact thoughts, emotions, memory, and learning, according to Gomez-Pinilla. "Our study shows that a high-fructose diet harms the brain as well as the body," he adds. "This is something new."  

*My college biology textbook [2011 edition] states that the average American eats OVER 100 LBS, however the article cited below claims 40 :) crazy, right?! I would say it's probably somewhere in the middle. 
Article cited:
"Synapse [is] critical to tasks like memory and learning—the very functions that high-fructose corn syrup damages." The average American eats upwards of 40 POUNDS of high-fructose corn syrup per year!*
In case you haven't heard about this highly debated sweetener, let me elaborate for you: (High) Fructose Corn Syrup is a man-made sweetener synthetically derived from the glucose (sugar) in genetically modified corn. It is not a natural process to obtain this ingredient: 1) first, genetically modified corn is grown and processed in order to 2) extract the starch which is then 3) broken down into glucose (sugar), which is then 4) chemically treated and transformed into fructose, a highly sweet version of the sugar which normally only occurs in fruits. Though the FDA approves of it and the government promotes and subsidizes it, it has been correlated to the promotion of obesity, diabetes, high insulin levels, metabolic inefficiency, heart attack, weight gain, dental cavities, anemia, fatigue, poor immunity, an increase in LDL (bad) Cholesterol and Triglycerides levels . . . . the list goes on. Recently discovered, corn syrup also holds negative and degenerative effects upon the brain, particularly in the fields of memory retention, ineffective synapse, destruction of the mylon sheath etc.
In one study on how high-fructose corn syrup affects brain function, researchers studied two groups of rats: One group downed high-fructose corn syrup in water for six weeks; another dined on high-fructose corn syrup but also received doses of brain-protecting omega-3 fatty acids.
Before their high-fructose corn syrup diet began, the rats were all trained to navigate a maze. After eating the sweetener for six weeks, researchers put the rats to the maze test again. The animals that didn't receive the omega-3 brain protection were slower and experienced problems with brain signaling, which disrupts critical skills like memory and thinking. Researchers also witnessed signs of insulin resistance in the group without omega-3s; this could hamper normal energy processing, which could impact thoughts, emotions, memory, and learning, according to Gomez-Pinilla. "Our study shows that a high-fructose diet harms the brain as well as the body," he adds. "This is something new."

*My college biology textbook [2011 edition] states that the average American eats OVER 100 LBS, however the article cited below claims 40 :) crazy, right?! I would say it's probably somewhere in the middle.
Article cited:

Natural Yeast

There is a definite link between the consumption of yeast and the causation of diseases and illnesses in (pretty much) all the parts of the body.
This is confidential information--stuff that many corporations DON'T want you to know because you would 1) either stop buying their products, or 2) cease trusting certain companies and organizations with their claims of information, promises of safety, and certification of what is "fact".
Either way, the thing that ultimately shuts them down is YOU deciding to become self-sufficient--in many more ways and levels than one.
But that's a beast of a topic--
a post for another day.
Today I want to talk about a class I went to last week about conventional, fast-rising YEAST and how it is literally killing our nation.
Since the 1930s ALL yeast used and marketed in most countries--including the U.S.-- switched to using the current yeast we use today, which is completely synthetic and 100% man-made. This program was in full effect by the 70s. This means that since the 70's, conventional yeast has been present in everything: our everyday breads, doughnuts, pastries, sandwiches, bagels, Cinnabuns, Wendy's hamburgers, Twinkies, etc. This synthetic yeast has been what made it fast and easy to market breads and sugary, doughy goods in our fast-paced, 21st century world.
Why is this an issue? Quick-rising yeast is incredibly toxic, unnatural, and foreign to our bodies and species. Quick-rising yeast kills us by toxifying our bodies, poisoning our blood and vital organs, slowing down metabolism, wreaking havoc on the central nervous system, and thereby rendering us as sluggish and foggy-headed, to the point that we are addicted to the point that people do not even want to cease consuming/supporting it and would prefer to lose out on obtaining optimum vitality than change themselves.
It's that bad. And most people have no idea! Like GMOs (genetically modified organisms), since the "Green Revolution" in the 70's, nearly 80%+ of all unorganic foods on the market have been switched to a highly hybridized/modified version of what they used to be. The FDA and other governmental programs actually have a long history of approving many things that are not researched, tested, or supportive of the highest good of the public. Which leads us again to the ironically re-occurring motif of the importance of self-sufficiency.... ♥
So what IS this natural yeast?! How can you get it if it is not even available at the store? Could it maybe be the real thing that most people with gluten intolerances are intolerant of?
The yeast used in the 1800s and before was completely different from what we use today, and, though you cannot buy it in stores, the same bloke whose class I went to gives natural yeast away FOR FREE if people mail him a pre-paid/stamped envelope. He is an amazing soul with a heart of gold and a strong desire to inform and assist--this guy is totally awesome! He also wrote an AMAZING book called The Forgotten Skills of Self-Sufficiency (check out the link below), is one of the only local heirloom/organic farmers in Utah (where I live), and is one of the only winter-vegetable gardeners left IN THE WORLD.... He is such a literal pro; he has spent thousands of hours researching and writing the info in his books.
This is a link to research more about natural yeast ^
And this (below) is that super cool book that talks about amazing back-to-nature things like self-sufficiency and using natural yeast (and much more).
The same writer ( Caleb Warnock ) has a cookbook on AMAZING recipes and benefits of natural yeast, but it's coming out in Sept.
ALSO, some cool facts: when bread made with natural yeast bread was scientifically tested against both generic store-bought brands and homemade bread, regardless of what kind of whether it was white or wheat bread, diabetics who ate bread with natural yeast never had their blood sugar spike; though it did when they ate any kind of bread (both white and wheat) when it was made with conventional yeast. Also, bread made with natural yeast NEVER molds; they found some of the same natural-yeast bread in Egyptian tombs from over hundreds of years ago that was sour (how real sourdough is made) but still edible.
Crazy, right??
And most people have NO idea.... intriguing, no?
(insert the strangely reoccuring motif of self sufficiency right here ;))
♥ Much love! I hope this info helps!!!

How to obtain an abundant mane of flowing locks

Shiny, healthy and abundant hair is of great value to people. When hair starts thinning, graying, or falling out, it can cause panic, distress and anxiety for the individuals concerned. Many "cures" are flaunted by the hair industry, yet dietary deficiencies, poor dietary choices, toxic hair care products, and poor hair care are the root of the the cause. Stress and chronic disorders can also factor into hair loss.
Although there is no overnight cure for hair that has been damaged by a bad diet, hair growth can be encouraged and replenished with natural "hair foods".
GREENS are the #1 best way to obtain an abundant mane of flowing locks. In Victoria Boutenko's book, Green for Life, she writes of how she and many others have experienced hair regrowth and re- coloration through eating a diet with a wide scope of dark, leafy greens.
Greens are alkalizing, oxygenating, and healing to the body. Hair loss is a sign of nutritional deficiency. Contrary to popular belief, hair loss is not fully determined by genes (though genes can play a part of hairloss). Those that have had male-pattern baldness have reversed their conditions and regrown hair through eating a diet of namely greens and raw, living foods in many studies.
Eat an abundance of dark, leafy greens; fresh, PURE water; and a rainbow of alkalizing raw foods for clear skin, healthy organs, and a head abundant with flowing hair.
Learn more:
Read Green For Life by Victoria Boutenko, or see

Breath Control Equals Mind Control

Breathing is essential to our survival and to our good health.  We can live more than 50 days without food and about 7 days without water.  But, without oxygen we cannot survive more than about 5 minutes.  In yoga we learn that our breath is our life-force, or "prana"  in sanskrit. In many cultures the breath (or qi, chi, or prana) is considered the vital link to energy, awareness, composure, and ultimately to transcendence.

So why focus on breathing? Remember this phrase:
Breath Control Equals Mind Control.
Think about it--
Your breath and your mind are intricately connected; recall the way your breathing is affected when your mind is experiencing something totally unrelated to breathing, like when you are listening to music, or when you are watching a movie. If the film gets suspenseful, you hold your breath. When the action speeds up, so does your breathing. Your breath subconsciously responds to the film’s happy or sad ending by either becoming steady, smooth, and regular, or irregular deep and broken, all whilst you sit a chair hardly moving a muscle.

Humans are not normally conscious breathers. Though many creatures on our planet are also not conscious breathers there are a fair few that are: like dolphins, for instance. Dolphins are known for having high intellects, distinct personalities, and large brains (bigger than humans). There is a definite correlation between higher levels of intelligence and conscious breathing--in both animals and humans. As we take time each day to focus on the breath and become conscious breathers, we strengthen our divine connection, become more in tune with and aware of our bodies, and both physically and spiritually purge the stale, stagnant air/energy from both our physical and spiritual bodies.

The physical benefits of deep breathing include:
the body manufacturing more endorphins (the body's natural "high"), which acts as a natural painkiller and causes you to feel lighter and more upbeat; helps to remove toxins from our organs; promotes better blood circulation; helps you remember your dreams; reduces stress; lowers blood pressure, strengthens the abdominal and intestinal muscles; helps you sleep better; holds an alkalizing effect on the body..... etc.

Try this simple exercise upon rising and right before you go to bed:
1) lie flat on your back and inhale for 5 seconds straight--gently popping your stomach to the ceiling as far as it feels comfortable
2) hold your breath for 5 seconds
3) exhale completely in five seconds, pulling your belly button towards your spine and gently compressing your inner organs.
4) hold your breath for 5 seconds and
5) gently inhale for another 5 seconds...... etc
Repeat this process a minimum of 3 times for immediately invigorating results.

Read more:

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Make your own vitamin water! (WAY healthier than conventional sports drinks--and tastier too!)

Make your own vitamin water. Add fruits instead of sugar for a natural sweetener for your H2O ♥

Cut the fruit into paper-thin slices or small chunks. Combine ingredients with water. Refrigerate 4-6 hours. Serve over ice.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hemp Seeds: The Most Nutritionally Dense Food

          There are eight amino acids the human body cannot make and two more the body cannot make in sufficient quantity, so they are essential to life. A diet without any one of them will eventually cause disease and death. These essential amino acids, along with eleven others the body can make from them, are chained together in accordance to genetic guidelines, via RNA formats from DNA blueprints, into structural proteins that give body to life, and into enzymes (globular proteins) that carry out the mechanics of living.
          Nearly three quarters of body solids are proteins. The body is literally constructed and maintained by an infinitely complex system that simply builds proteins from amino acid sub units. Every amino acid consists of an amine and a carboxyl bound to the same carbon atom. All but the smallest amino acid have one, more or less complex, carbon containing side chain connected to the carbon atom shared by the amine and carboxyl groups. The amine group, ND, is slightly basic; the carboxyl group, COOH, is a mild acid. The amine group of one amino acid unites with the carboxyl group of another forming a peptide link. Proteins are made of amino acid peptide chains in specific sequences. The number of possible amino acid peptide combinations is infinite.
          Peptide chains can bend, twist and unite with other peptide chains by forming weak hydrogen bonds between nitrogen and oxygen atoms along the chain. Amino acids can also form bonds through side chain linkages. All three types of amino acid bonding methods contribute to the infinite possibility of protein shapes and reactivity potentials. Though each species builds proteins unique to itself, life can tailor new ones if challenged by the pressures of existence.
          Hemp is not unique in having all the essential amino acids in its embryonic seed. Flax seeds also contain all the essential amino acids as do many other seeds in the plant kingdom. What is unique about hemp seed protein is that 65% of it is globulin edistin. That is the highest in the plant kingdom.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Natural, Homemade Deodorant

Yellow Tulip
Check out this website for other great homemade products!
Recipe for some deo for you B.O.:
--a pinch of Baking soda
--a splash of water (or a little coconut oil)

directions: Dampen/moisten armpits with water or coconut oil or chelated silver. Spread a small pinch of baking soda onto your armpit.

Yup! It's what I use!!
I either put baking soda on right after I get out of the shower (when I'm still wet),
or spray chelated silver on my underarms or use coconut oil in order to moisten the skin and get the baking soda to stick. You can also just use plain 'ole water -- however both silver and coconut oil are anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial ♥
The great news about this recipe: it's 100% non-toxic; non-carcinogenic; it is super cheap (a box of baking soda is is like 3 2 bucks at walmart); there are NO heavy metals; and the concoction actually NUTRITIONAL for you (the skin is the body's largest organ --what you put onto it gets absorbed directly to the bloodstream).
Try this!

Here's a cool quote from Cancer Truth (on facebook):
HEALTH TIP: Bicarbonate of Soda (aka sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3, and baking soda) is a simple low-cost substance that is a useful remedy for a variety of ailments and chronic diseases. Discovered in 1840, baking soda (not to be confused with baking powder which typically contains aluminum) is a proven treatment for flus and colds, and recently this amazing substance has been in the “spotlight” as doctors like Tullio Simoncini and Mark Sircus have used it to treat cancer patients.

Perhaps the success is due to the fact that baking soda floods the cancer cells with a shockwave of alkalinity and oxygen, thus reversing the hypoxia (lack of oxygen) which is always associated with cancerous tissue. Or perhaps it works because a comparison of cancer tissue with healthy tissue indicates that cancerous tissue always has a much higher concentration of toxic chemicals and pesticides than normal tissue, and sodium bicarbonate possesses the property of absorbing heavy metals, dioxins, and furans. Perhaps it’s a combination of the two.

Baking soda has a plethora of additional uses. Baking soda is commonly used as an antacid for short-term relief of an upset stomach, to correct acidosis in kidney disorders, to “alkalinize” urine during bladder infections, and to minimize uric acid crystallization during gout treatment. It is frequently used to purify air inside refrigerators. We’ve all seen the opened box of baking soda in the fridge door, haven’t we? Keep a container of baking soda in your garage as well as in your car to put out a fire, since it will extinguish a fire without damaging anything else it touches. It also works as a deodorizer for carpets and other materials and can be used for laundry and as a household cleanser (when mixed with vinegar). The baking soda/vinegar mixture will even unclog drains! And if you have itchy bug bites, try using a poultice of baking soda and vinegar.

Get rid of those toxic antiperspirants and replace them with baking soda. The same goes for those fluoride-filled toothpastes. Try brushing and cleaning your teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Yes, baking soda is one of the most versatile substances that everyone should have in their medicine cabinet.

I used to take 1 tsp of baking soda in water each night before bed, but I haven’t been doing this lately. I need to start this habit again…. It’s a great way to alkalize your body before bed. ;-)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

50 Uses for vinegar

YES!! Vinegar is a fantastic, inexpensive, non-toxic alternative to the common harsh chemicals found in most homes (and I can attest to it from personal experience) <3 From dissolving lyme deposits on windows, to de-odorizing pet stains to deep cleaning clothes in the wash .... vinegar is amazing. Check this website out!

White Vinegar

Monday, April 16, 2012

Macadamia Nut Crust:

* 1 1/4 c Macadamia Nuts
* 1/4 c Cashews
* 2 tbls Coconut Oil, melted
* 2 tbls Agave Nectar
* Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt

To make crust, process the macadamia nuts or cashews in the food processor until they form a fine meal. Add the coconut oil and salt and continue until the nuts form a wall on the side of the food processor. Empty into a pie pan and firmly press crust into place and place in the freezer while you prepare the Key Lime Filling.

Key Lime Filling:

* 4 Avocado, cut into small cubes
* 1/2 c Lime juice
* 1/2 c Agave Nectar
* 1/2 c Coconut Oil, melted
* 1 tbls Lime zest

To make the filling, add all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and fluid. Avocado can turn brown quicker if you over blend so be sure to blend just enough till smooth. Pour into the Macadamia Nut Crust and freeze about 1-2 hours or place in the fridge overnight to set. To serve top with a little shredded coconut


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why Chlorophyll is the BOMB

 Chlorophyll is EXTREMELY alkalizing, oxygenating, and is exactly identical to human blood--except Chlorophyll has magnesium and blood has iron. (Though the magnesium is converted to iron in the body). Chlorophyll stops bacterial, yeast & fungi growth in the digestive tract; deodorizes body odor & bad breath; removes drug deposits and counteracts all toxins; de-activates many carcinogens; halts tooth decay and gum infection (when used as a tooth powder); counteracts inflammation; builds blood; renews tissue; counteracts radiation; promotes healthful intestinal flora; improves liver function; activates enzymes to produce vitamins E, A, & K; detoxifies heavy metals; & improves brain function
 If you eat or drink anything acidic (meat, dairy, coffee, alcohol, sugar, processed food) on a daily basis, chlorophyll is your best ally to balance the acidity, which is the breeding ground for dis-ease. It is almost a certainty that you will experience dis-ease or infection or inflammation or pain with acidic, processed, & cooked foods. This is why it is crucial to have daily doses of chlorophyll to lower the acidity of these foods by raising the alkalinity.
Whether you eat a green salad, juice some greens, add greens or a green powder to your smoothies, take liquid shots, or take capsules, find a way to have daily intake of chlorophyll.
 Powerful sources of chlorophyll: spirulina, wheat grass, chlorella, blue-green algae, green sprouts, sea vegetables, DARK leafy greens, green vegetables, & herbs.
The darker the better!!

Did you know??
Wheatgrass juice is 70% chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the first product of light and contains more light energy than any other element. Chlorophyll is the basis of all plant life, so when you drink chlorophyll, you drink liquid sunshine!
Click on this awesome link to find out more benefits about drinking this magical elixir!
click on this link to see more interesting facts and nutritional info about raw foods :)