Eating Raw While In College (And After!)

Eating Raw While In College (And After!)

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Oh how I ADORE lemons!! ♥
Though they have an acidic pH, they change chemically upon digestion and hold an incredibly alkalizing and cleansing effect on the body;
they improve digestion, ease constipation, prevent vomiting, soothes sore throats and relieve rheumatism. Lemons purify the blood and destroy intestinal worms and other parasites. Lemons are rich in vitamin C and prevent SCURVY (which is actually still around today!). Lemons are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitical, and anti-viral and have been used in medicine for hundreds of years. Even the scent of lemons we associate with something being "clean."
Historical note: Gandhi fasted on nothing but lemon juice and water for over a month, several different times, which brought about a revolution of peace, saved millions, and stopped a war.

Moral of this story? Lemons are amazing! Eat at least 1 citrus fruit daily! Squeeze lemon juice on a salad, into your water bottle, on cucumbers or other freshly chopped veggies... the options are endless. Buy some lemons at your local health food store/farmer's market, or, better yet, invest in a tree! The blossoms, fruit, and pure air they provide smell AMAZING! If I didn't share an apartment with 5 other girls, one of the first things I would buy would be a quaint little lemon tree! ♥
Seriously try this recipe, it's called the "master cleanse:"
Lemon Juice
Cayenne Pepper
RAW honey, or maple syrup
(opitonal) apple cider vinegar
mix together and drink. :) You will feel like the vibrant, happy-go-lucky child you once were!! Trust me--you will not regret it. 

website on how to grow an indoor lemon tree :)

Growing Your Indoor Meyer Lemon Tree
  • WHAT TO LOOK FOR: If you purchase your Meyer lemon from a nursery, look for plants that are at least 2 to 3 years old. Improved Meyer lemons are also suitable as houseplants. They can be maintained at 3 to 5 feet tall and if you have the knack, lemon trees make wonderful Bonsai specimens.
  • SOIL: Like most houseplants, citrus prefer a sandy slightly acid, all-purpose mix, which you can get by using a peat-moss based growing mix. (Remember, you get what you pay for, so don't go for the cheap products.)
  • TEMPERATURE: Lemon trees thrive in a normal temperature range of 70 degrees during day to 55 degrees at night. TIP: Though the plants are evergreen they will go into dormancy and stop growing below 54 degrees F.)
  • LIGHT: Set your lemon tree in full sun from a southern exposure. Trees need lots of light. If that's not possible, supplement the light by installing 40-watt fluorescent shop lights above the plants -- especially important in the winter, when they need 8-12 hours of light.
  • MOISTURE: You'll need to keep the soil evenly moist and since most interiors are quite dry, mist your plant often -- daily if you can. Give your lemon tree a shower occasionally. They loved to be wiped down gently with a sponge.
  • POLLINATION: When you grow plants indoors, bees and insects can’t pollinate them. So you need to use a paintbrush or cotton swab to rub pollen within the flower. Sometimes they will produce fruit without doing this, but it's a good idea to increase your chances!

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